Telebehavioral Health Services: Planning and Investing for the Future of Your Services | Session 4: Future Planning and Investment for Telebehavioral Health and Digital Mental Health Services

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The COVID-19 pandemic forced many mental health organizations to rapidly modify services that are typically provided in-person to remote delivery via telehealth. Now as social distancing restrictions are lifted, you have to decide how your services will look going forward. This series of 6 sessions will help you think about how telebehavioral health services could continue to be utilized, how to think about investing for telebehavioral health, and what you need to do now for long-term success.


Session Objectives:

  • Identify the future service opportunities using digital services
  • Understand the benefits and challenges of digital services
  • List areas to consider in costs, potential barriers, and adoption issues
  • Discern and overcome selection, management, and adoption issues when planning for and developing digital health services
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